July 10, 2024

Rogers Family Retreat

This property located in Sebastopol, California was purchased 47 years ago in 1976 by Donald and Helen

Rogers. The property formerly belonged to the famed Peanuts artist, Charles Schulz, it was his studio and consisted of large red wood trees, 8 acres of land and a four-hole golf course.
The property was one of three parcels which Gregory Peck was interested in buying but the garden was too large for him to manage. Helen, Don's wife suggested to the owners that they should split the land up since it was so large. They did.

Don and his brother Bert are my 1st cousins twice removed. Their father Bert Harry Rogers the brother of my great grandfather Frank. Bert passed away at the age of 27 from tuberculosis in 1928. Their mother, Cecile remarried and had two more sons, William and Calvin. Don and Berts mother passed away in 1940 and the boys were in need of a place to live. Don tells me that their uncle Frank took them in, got them setup with jobs and a place to live. Don isn't sure what they would have done if it weren't for Uncle Frank.

It's a very beautiful place and we were lucky enough to spend a few days there and visit with family in 2016. The photos just don't do it justice.

Family connection
As mentioned above, Don is my maternal grandmothers 1st cousin.

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